In the function below, The distance between ball and target is known(R). Also, the angle between the resultant vector and the x-axis is known(LaunchAngle). Thanks to these parameters(R, LaunchAngle), I calculate the initial velocity of a ball. I checked all the values. According to physics, they are all correct. Although all calculations are correct, the ball does not hit the target.
void LaunchFromTargetPositionWithoutFrictionForce()
Vector3 projectileXZPos = new Vector3(transform.position.x, 0.0f, transform.position.z);
Vector3 targetXZPos = new Vector3(TargetObjectTF.position.x, 0.0f, TargetObjectTF.position.z);
float R = Vector3.Distance(projectileXZPos, targetXZPos);
float G = -Physics.gravity.y;
float Vz = Mathf.Sqrt(G * R / Mathf.Sin((2.0f * LaunchAngle) * Mathf.Deg2Rad));
float Vy = Vz * Mathf.Sin(LaunchAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
float Vx = Vz * Mathf.Cos(LaunchAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
text2.text = "vz: " + Vz.ToString() + " vy: " + Vy.ToString() + " vx: " + Vx.ToString();
Vector3 localVelocity = new Vector3(0f, Vy, Vx);
Vector3 globalVelocity = transform.TransformDirection(localVelocity);
rigid.velocity = globalVelocity;
bTargetReady = true;
if (isSlowMotion) timeManager.slowMotion();
I changed first 3 line with below codes. And problem solved.
Vector3 projectileXZPos = transform.position;
Vector3 targetXZPos = TargetObjectTF.position;
float dist = Vector3.Distance(projectileXZPos, targetXZPos);