I'm using URLSearchParams
in my app. The code is transpiled with babel
, using babel/preset-env
and core-js@3
to include polyfills needed for the browsers I target.
This is my babelrc:
"presets": [
"modules": false,
"corejs": "3",
"useBuiltIns": "entry",
"forceAllTransforms": true
Here is my .browserslistrc
IE 11
Edge >= 14
last 2 Chrome versions
last 2 Firefox versions
The problem is that even though I've specified IE11 in .browserslistrc
, the polyfill for URLSearchParams
is still not included in the final bundle. So far I've solved this by manually importing core-js/web/url-search-params.js
but I would rather that was done automatically by babel/preset-env
Can I configure babel/preset-env
somehow to include the URLSearchParams
polyfill from core-js?
Since I'm getting upvotes on the question I should probably add my answer here as well.
The problem for me was that I was adding @babel/polyfill
next to my entrypoint in my webpack config:
entry: {
"my.js": ["@babel/polyfill", "my.js"]
To fix my problem I removed @babel/polyfill
from the entrypoint, and instead added the following to the top of my.js
import "core-js/stable";
import "regenerator-runtime/runtime";