I have to send messages to IBM MQ by hitting a rest service. Below is the code I came up with, using Camel XML DSL.
<rest path="/basePath">
<post uri="/path" consumes="application/xml" produces="application/xml">
<to uri="ibmmq:QUEUE.NAME"/>
When I try to post the message, I get the following exception
org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException: Failed to resolve replyTo destination on the exchange
Is the post method expecting response back from QUEUE, so that it can respond back to rest client? I only need the post service to reply with 200, if the message is successfully produced to QUEUE, 500 otherwise. How to solve this problem?
Pattern of your exchange is InOut so this is default behavior for your jms producer. Try change it for specific endpoint like this:
<to uri="ibmmq:QUEUE.NAME" pattern="InOnly"/>