I'm trying to use the method getInstance
from a subclass.
Any idea why the mentioned method is unaccessible and how to change this code so i can access it?
For the curious mind, this example structure comes from trying to subclass a Room database class on Android.
open class SingletonHolder<out T: Any, in A>(creator: (A) -> T) {
private var creator: ((A) -> T)? = creator
@Volatile private var instance: T? = null
fun getInstance(arg: A): T {
val i = instance
if (i != null) {
return i
return synchronized(this) {
val i2 = instance
if (i2 != null) {
} else {
val created = creator!!(arg)
instance = created
creator = null
abstract class subclass(val par: Int): superclass(par) {
abstract fun function1()
class subclass_Impl(val par1: Int): subclass(par1) {
override fun function1() {
Log.d("unused", "unused")
override fun f2() {
Log.d("this is", "subclass Impl")
abstract class superclass(val dummy: Int) {
abstract fun f2()
companion object : SingletonHolder<superclass, Int>( { Builder.build(it) } )
class superclass_Impl(val par: Int): superclass(par) {
override fun f2() {
Log.d("this is", "superclass_Impl")
class Builder {
companion object {
fun build(par: Int): superclass_Impl {
return superclass_Impl(par)
class test {
fun test1() {
subclass.getInstance(1).f2() // getInstance is not visible ??
the SingletonHolder
class is derived from the lazy implementation in kotlin and allows passing an argument to the creator function. https://medium.com/@BladeCoder/kotlin-singletons-with-argument-194ef06edd9e
is mimicking abstract class MyRoomDatabase : RoomDatabase()
on Android, this will create an instance of a sqlite db at runtime and is suggested to be implemented as singleton. This is in my case inside a service. superclass_Impl
will be created by the Room Library.
is in my case a subclass of MyRoomDatabase
and lives on the client that will connect to the service. I'm trying to extend it to add query methods used only by the client. subclass_Impl
will be created by the Room Library.
Clearly you are thinking static members are inherited in java and since companion objects are the same thing, I should be able to the following.
subclass.getInstance() // as in question, subclass is name of the class not its instance
Sorry, this is not allowed. Companion objects are not java's static members. Kotlin is designed to be a language where you don't need such constructs. So don't try to write java code using kotlin features.
if you want to refer a comapnion object member as you refer to java's static members, then you must specify the name of containing class of companion object. In your case