I am using Spring Integration filter to do a structural validation of the incoming payload and if the validation fails then i want to add some custom headers to the original message.
The filter code is below :
public class StructureValidationFilter implements MessageSelector {
public boolean accept(Message<?> message) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
boolean status=true;
if(message.getPayload() instanceof CFKRequestBody) {
CFKRequestBody body=(CFKRequestBody)message.getPayload();
if(!body.getInitiatingPartyId().equalsIgnoreCase("BPKV")) {
message = MutableMessageBuilder.fromMessage(message).
setHeader("BPKV_ERROR_CODE", "Ïnvalid Initiating part id").
setHeader("HTTP_STATUS", "400").build();
return false;
return status;
But the headers are not populating in the Message. Not able to see the headers added in the next component. What am i doing wrong here.
You can't replace a parameter and expect it to be propagated to the next component; Java doesn't work that way; your new message is simply discarded.
Use a service activator instead of a filter and return the new message, or null
which is a signal to end the flow at that point.