
Define generic decoder in scala using circe

I'm trying to switch my JsonUtils class from Json4s to circe and i find it hard to solve the generic implementation for the decoder.

my Json4s func look like this:

implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
  def extractValueFromJson[T](json: String, key: String)(implicit m: Manifest[T]): T = {
    val parsed = parse(json).asInstanceOf[JObject]
    val value =(parsed \ key).extract[T]

example of usage:

extractValueFromJson[String](jsonStr, keyInJson)

and it is working perfectly

now i have tried the same func with circe:

 implicit def decodeGeneric[A: Decoder](json: Json): Either[Error, A] = Decoder[A].decodeJson(json)
    def extractValueFromJson[A: ClassTag, T](jsonStr: String, key: String)(implicit m: Manifest[T]): T = {
            val json: String = jsonStr.asJson.noSpaces
            decode[A](json) match {
              case Left(error: Error) => throw error
              case Right(value) => {

and i get the following error while compiling:

could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type io.circe.Decoder[A]
[error]         decode[A](json) match {
[error]                  ^

This is the desired output for a given input

case class Bar(str: String)
val bar = Bar("just a string")


val test = extractValueFromJson[Bar,String](bar.asJson.noSpaces,"str")


just a string

What am i doing wrong here? Is there a way to define a generic decoder? i have read some similar questions here but haven't found a solution that fit my needs


  • You can do this:

    def extractValueFromJson[A](jsonStr: String, key: String)(implicit decoder: Decoder[A]): A =
      io.circe.parser.decode(jsonStr)( = key)) match {
        case Right(result) => result
        case Left(error) => throw error

    Which you can use like this:

    extractValueFromJson[String](jsonStr = bar.asJson.noSpaces, key = "str")
    // res: String = "just a string"