I want to pass the filename dynamically based on the condition. I have written the below code but the filename is not getting passed. I think there might be some issue in the if condition.
DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container.getTransformationParameters().get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("http://sap.com/xi/XI/System","FileName");
//get current timestamp and reformat
Date date = new Date();
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
//define filename
String filename = new String("");
if (orgid == "G"||"ZG"||"S")
filename = "N_" + df.format(date) + ".txt" ;
if (orgid == "L")
filename = "D_" + df.format(date) + ".txt" ;
if (orgid == "F"||"IV")
filename = "F_" + df.format(date) + ".txt" ;
conf.put(key, filename);
return filename;
Please let me know where I am getting wrong.
Several things:
Don't use ==
to compare strings for equality. Use the equals()
method instead. The ==
checks if both objects point to the same memory location whereas the String#equals() method evaluates to the comparison of values in the objects.
Don't initialize your String variables in this fashion: String filename = new String("");
. This is a String Constructor Invocation. What you should be doing is: String filename = "";
You can't check to see if a particular variable contains one of multiple possibilities in this fashion:
if (orgid == "G" || "ZG" || "S") {
As mentioned earlier you need to use the String#equals() method and to compare against other possibilities you need to compare each string to the variable, for example:
if (orgid.equals("G") || orgid.equals("ZG") || orgid.equals("S")) {
It's better to use switch statement instead for something like this, for example:
/* Using the String#toUpperCase() method ensures that
we don't need to worry about what letter case happens
to be in orgid. */
switch (orgid.toUpperCase()) {
case "G":
case "ZG":
case "S":
filename = "N_" + df.format(date) + ".txt";
case "L":
filename = "D_" + df.format(date) + ".txt";
case "F":
case "IV":
filename = "F_" + df.format(date) + ".txt";
System.err.println("Can Not Establish A Proper File Name (missing prefix)!");