
Thunderbird Webextensions .messages.getFull() raises Exception 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)

This is a kind of follow-up of the following question/answer:

The code at the end of this question gets a list of accounts, selects the emailAccountName, gets a MessageList object from the wantedMailFolderType and tries to get a MessagePart object from just one single messageId via browser.messages.getFull( messageId ) which always fails with the following Exception message:

"Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) 
nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"
location: "JS frame :: resource:///modules/gloda/mimemsg.js
                    :: MsgHdrToMimeMessage
                    :: line 238"  data: no]

This behaviour is the same on linux mint 19.3 (64-Bit) running thunderbird 68.4.1 (64-Bit) as well as on windows 7 (64-Bit) running thunderbird 68.2.2 (32-Bit).

Here the code which reproduces the error:

emailAccountName     = "";
wantedMailFolderType = "trash";

console.log( tstamp() + " Entered Main Program" );
function tstamp () {
    let d =new Date();
    return "" + d.getMinutes() + ":" + d.getSeconds() + "." + d.getMilliseconds();

function accountsList_successCallback( arrayOfMailAccount ) {
    console.log( tstamp() + " Entered accountsList_successCallback()" );
    let accountId = false;
    for (let i = 0; i < arrayOfMailAccount.length; i++) {
    if ( arrayOfMailAccount[i].name == emailAccountName ) {
        accountId  = arrayOfMailAccount[i].id;
    console.log( tstamp() + " Leaving accountsList_successCallback(), returning accountId: " + accountId );
    return accountId;
function mailAccount_successCallback( mailAccount ) {
    console.log( tstamp() + " Entered mailAccount_successCallback()" );
    let mailFolder = false;
    for (let i = 0; i < mailAccount.folders.length; i++) {
    if ( mailAccount.folders[i].type == wantedMailFolderType ) {
        mailFolder = mailAccount.folders[i];
    console.log( tstamp() + " Leaving mailAccount_successCallback(), returning mailFolder: " + mailFolder.type );
    return mailFolder;
async function getMessagesList( mailFolder ) {
    console.log( tstamp() + " Entered getMessagesList()" );
    let page = await browser.messages.list( mailFolder );
    let messageHeader = page.messages[ 0 ];
    let messageId     =;
    console.log( `Trying to .getFull( messageId == ${messageId} ) MessagePart object now...` );
    let messagePart = await browser.messages.getFull( messageId );
    console.log( tstamp() + " Leaving getMessagesList()" );

    .then( accountsList_successCallback)  // after .accounts.list() Promise is fulfilled...
                                          // accountsList_successCallback is called, which
                                          // in this example returns the accountId string...
    .then( accountId => browser.accounts.get( accountId ))
    .then( mailAccount_successCallback)   // after .accounts.get() Promise is fulfilled...
                                          // mailAccount_successCallback is called, which
                                          // returns the wanted MailFolder...
    .then( getMessagesList )              // ... passed to getMessagesList(), which successfully
                                          // awaits a MessageList object...
                                          // but every call to .getFull( messageId ) fails.
    .catch( finalCatch )

function finalCatch( error ) {
    console.error( "ERROR passed to finalCatch() : " + error);

console.log( tstamp() + " Leaving Main Program" );

This was the output of the last run (line-numbers in popup.js xx-ed out, because they do not match with this extract):

52:40.859 Entered Main Program                                                   popup.js:xx:9
52:40.874 Leaving Main Program                                                   popup.js:xx:9
52:40.964 Entered accountsList_successCallback()                                 popup.js:xx:13
52:40.964 Leaving accountsList_successCallback(), returning accountId: account26 popup.js:xx:13
52:40.988 Entered mailAccount_successCallback()                                  popup.js:xx:13
52:40.989 Leaving mailAccount_successCallback(), returning mailFolder: trash     popup.js:xx:13
52:40.989 Entered getMessagesList()                                              popup.js:xx:13
Trying to .getFull( messageId == 1 ) MessagePart object now...                   popup.js:xx:13
 "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)
  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"
  location: "JS frame :: resource:///modules/gloda/mimemsg.js
                      :: MsgHdrToMimeMessage
                      :: line 238"  data: no]
ERROR passed to finalCatch() : Error: An unexpected error occurred               popup.js:xx:13

Could anyone please try this out on his machine? How to proceed further? Should a bug on BugZilla be reportet?

Thanks in advance. richard


  • The problem is solved!

    The exception was raised as long as and only while there was another login to the same IMAP-Account on another PC active. It seems that as long as there is more than one login or session simultaneously to the same Email-Account, the exception is raised.

    Sorry for disturbing.

    Thank you very much for your attention. richard