I'd like to use an offline Wildfly CLI to add system properties
The problem is that the value should be a variable
This is the desired result:
<property name="user.country" value="${country}"/>
the problem is that the CLI try to resolve the variable
[disconnected /] embed-server
[standalone@embedded /] /system-property=user.country:add(value="${country}")
"outcome" => "failed",
"failure-description" => "WFLYCTL0211: Cannot resolve expression '${country}'",
"rolled-back" => true
I tried to escape the '$' with '$$' or '\$', but it doesn't worked.
Or rather, with '$$' I got
<property name="user.language" value="$${countrylowercase}"/>
If I run the server an retry with a connect CLI , it works normally.
How to do this offline?
As a workaround I'm doing a sed on the standalone to replace '$${' with '${', but it's not very clean...
The solution is to use a property file written like this:
cat cli.property
cat cli.commands
$JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh --properties=./cli.property --file=./cli.commands
{"outcome" => "success"}
{"outcome" => "success"}
{"outcome" => "success"}
It's important to respect the syntax, because the following forma will also fail by using embedded mode
cat cli.property