
Renaming project name shown in JetBrains Toolbox

I've recently made a new Empty Project in IntelliJ IDEA and added a couple Gradle based modules to it. The project and the modules are under W:\IJ Workspace\ProjectName directory - the project itself is in W:\IJ Workspace\ProjectName\ProjectName folder, and the modules are in W:\IJ Workspace\ProjectName\ModuleName folders.

JetBrains Toolbox shows the project and its correct directory (W:\IJ Workspace\ProjectName\ProjectName) but the name it displays - is the name of first module I created in the project, not ProjectName. Is there any way to change the name Toolbox is displaying for that project? Or is there a way to manually add a project to Toolbox, forcing it to use its actual name?


  • Do this while IDE is closed (at very least while that project is closed).

    1. Locate a folder with project settings (.idea subfolder, usually that would be PROJECT_ROOT/.idea).
    2. See if you have .name file there. If not -- create new one.
    3. Open that .name file in any text editor and write desired project name there -- it's a plain text file with a single line of text (no new lines).
    4. Save the file and launch IDE.

    Next time you open that project is should use the name from that .name file.

    P.S. This works in PhpStorm (where IDE also has a special "Rename Project" action) but should work in IntelliJ IDEA (and other IDEA-based IDEs) as well.