
lambda with custom authorizer works on test with console but not with postman

I have a lambda function that works when testing on the AWS console. But once I test on Postman it gives me the following response

    "message": "Unauthorized"

I basically have a Authorization on the header with a Bearer token like so

Bearer <my token>

The body is empty as it's only a Get endpoint. Not sure what I'm missing on my request from postman. Any suggestion is appreciated.


  • Figured it out finally. If you're posting Authorization with a setup where you have "Authorization" as the token source and blank Token Validation (like below), you don't add the word "Bearer" on postman. Still have to research why that is and how that works (as i dont understand). Any help on where to look at as to why when you post with an Authorization header some apis require "Bearer" but this one does not.

    enter image description here