Is it possible to use custom delegates for draggable points (i.e. Item
s, icons, Rectangle
s, etc) in Qt Charts or other 3rd party libraries like it is easily possible in Qt Location for MapItemView
, MapQuickItem
and their delegate
property? Or it is possible to use some combinations of PathView
and ChartView
for such purpose? PathView
inside ChartView
could be a solution, however probably will need to convert chart coordinates to screen coordinates there: also not sure ChartView
has methods for this. Need to make some mockup to check this. Had not found any documentation or samples about. Should be obvious and simple like it was implemented in Qt Location however it is not implemented for Qt Charts for some reasons.
Ideal way could be Map
element using from Qt Location where I have all I need: MapItemView
, MapQuickItem
and MapPolygon
or MapPolyline
for graphics as I have cartographic information to draw. But again 2 questions:
however).Is it possible to dynamically draw some custom map here? Any ideas?
Found simple and elegant solution with ChartView
with Repeater
inside and ChartView
mapping functions: mapToPosition
and mapToValue
to map chart<->screen coordinates easily.
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtCharts 2.3
Item {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
ChartView {
id: chart
anchors.fill: parent
antialiasing: true
ValueAxis {
id: xAxis
min: 0
max: 1100
tickCount: 12
labelFormat: "%.0f"
ValueAxis {
id: yAxis
min: -50
max: 200
tickInterval: 50
labelFormat: "%.0f"
ListModel {
id: lineModel
ListElement { x: 50; y: 155; }
ListElement { x: 138; y: 175 }
ListElement { x: 193; y: 50 }
ListElement { x: 271; y: 90 }
ListElement { x: 295; y: 90 }
ListElement { x: 383; y: 150 }
ListElement { x: 529; y: 100 }
ListElement { x: 665; y: 150 }
ListElement { x: 768; y: 90 }
ListElement { x: 794; y: 90 }
ListElement { x: 851; y: 50 }
ListElement { x: 875; y: 50 }
ListElement { x: 925; y: 175 }
ListElement { x: 1060; y: 125 }
ListModel {
id: areaModel
ListElement { x: 0; y: 100 }
ListElement { x: 138; y: 125 }
ListElement { x: 193; y: 0 }
ListElement { x: 271; y: 40 }
ListElement { x: 295; y: 40 }
ListElement { x: 383; y: 100 }
ListElement { x: 529; y: 50 }
ListElement { x: 665; y: 100 }
ListElement { x: 768; y: 40 }
ListElement { x: 794; y: 40 }
ListElement { x: 851; y: 0 }
ListElement { x: 875; y: 0 }
ListElement { x: 925; y: 125 }
ListElement { x: 1060; y: 75 }
ListElement { x: 1100; y: 60 }
AreaSeries {
name: "Terrain"
axisX: xAxis
axisY: yAxis
borderColor: color
upperSeries: LineSeries {
id: areaSeries
LineSeries {
id: lineSeries
name: "Flying path"
axisX: xAxis
axisY: yAxis
function adjustPosition(item, index) {
let point = Qt.point(lineModel.get(index).x, lineModel.get(index).y)
let position = chart.mapToPosition(point, lineSeries)
item.x = position.x - item.width / 2
item.y = position.y - item.height / 2
function adjustValue(item, index) {
let position = Qt.point(item.x + item.width / 2, item.y + item.height / 2)
let point = chart.mapToValue(position, lineSeries)
lineModel.setProperty(index, "y", point.y) // Change only Y-coordinate
lineSeries.replace(,, // old, point.y) // new
Repeater {
model: lineModel
Rectangle {
id: indicator
radius: 100
width: radius / 2
height: width
color: "red"
property real parentWidth: chart.width
property real parentHeight: chart.height
onParentWidthChanged: chart.adjustPosition(this, index)
onParentHeightChanged: chart.adjustPosition(this, index)
onYChanged: {
if( {
chart.adjustValue(this, index)
Image {
id: waypoint
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: index ? "qrc:/waypoint.svg" : "qrc:/home.svg"
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent indicator
drag.axis: Drag.YAxis
preventStealing: true
Component.onCompleted: {
for(let i = 0; i < lineModel.count; i++) {
lineSeries.append(lineModel.get(i).x, lineModel.get(i).y)
for(let j = 0; j < areaModel.count; j++) {
areaSeries.append(areaModel.get(j).x, areaModel.get(j).y)
Any improvements, optimizations and suggestion like model binding via HXYModelMapper
instead of JS model filling are welcome. Will fix the answer.
Result screenshot: