I want to use powermail (7.4.0) to give special page visitors the option to modify a field in the current pages record.
my setting so far:
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup {
dbEntry {
1 {
_enable = TEXT
_enable.value = 1
_table = TEXT
_table.value = pages
uid = TEXT
uid.data = TSFE:id
description = TEXT
description.field = abnahmestatus
prefill {
abnahmestatus = TEXT
abnahmestatus.data = TSFE:description
How can I get powermail to update the record (instead of inserting)?
How can I prefill the input field with the current value from the pages field?
Answer 1: update instead of insert:
I missed the line
_ifUnique.uid = update
from the manual example.
Answer 2:
I inserted {abnahemstatus}
which was not helpfull as it overwrote the typoscript prefill. so:
of the field definitionabnahmestatus.data = page:description
is obsolete)