Very unusual one but I'm trying to match output from an SSH session that may collapse view and fall underneath the output required (like a collapsed column)...
Take a look at the example output:
System Id Interface Circuit Id State HoldTime Type PRI
rtr1.lab01.some GE0/0/1 0000000001 Up 22s L2 --
rtr2.lab01.some GE0/0/2 0000000002 Up 24s L2 --
I can match the the first line with:
which returns (rtr1.lab01.some and rtr2.lab01.some) but I'm trying to find the easiest way to match it based on the full hostname (rtr1.lab01.something and rtr2.lab01.somethingelse)
I'm also matching the rest of the output perfectly fine and able to extract the data but really can't find a way to achieve what I'm trying... Can someone point me in the right direction? To expand further (for more context... I'm using the Google TextFSM in Python to match all this data from an SSH session)
import re
text = """System Id Interface Circuit Id State HoldTime Type PRI
rtr1.lab01.some GE0/0/1 0000000001 Up 22s L2 --
rtr2.lab01.some GE0/0/2 0000000002 Up 24s L2 --
rtr2.lab01.abcd GE0/0/4 0000000003 Up 24s L2 --
rtr2.lab01.none GE0/0/24 0000000004 Up 24s L2 --
rtr2.lab01.efgh GE0/0/5 0000000003 Up 24s L2 --
lines = text.rstrip().split('\n')[2:]
n_lines = len(lines)
current_line = -1
def get_next_line():
# Actual implementation would be reading from a file and yielding lines one line at a time
global n_lines, current_line, lines
current_line += 1
# return special sentinel if "end of file"
return lines[current_line] if current_line < n_lines else '$'
def get_system_id():
line = None
while line != '$': # loop until end of file
if line is None: # no current line
line = get_next_line()
if line == '$': # end of file
m ='^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9.-]+[a-zA-Z0-9])', line)
id = m[1]
line = get_next_line() # might be sentinel
if line != '$' and re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$', line): # next line just single id?
id += line
line = None # will need new line
yield id
for id in get_system_id():