I am trying to retrieve only emails received "today" from particuarly folder in my outlook inbox. How would I be able to do this? The follow code below allows me to extract emails all from a inbox, but I am only interested in emails that were received today. What would I add to my code?
folderName <- "Folder2"
## create outlook object
OutApp <- COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
outlookNameSpace <- OutApp$GetNameSpace("MAPI")
folder <- outlookNameSpace$GetDefaultFolder(6)
fld <- folder$folders(folderName)
cnt <- fld$Items()$Count()
emails <- fld$items
resp <- data.frame(sno = 1:cnt,Text = "",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
for(i in seq(cnt)){
d <- as.data.frame(emails(i)$Body(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
resp$Text[i] = d[1]
resp$Sender[i] = emails(i)[['SenderName']]
resp$To[i] = emails(i)[['To']]
resp$sub[i] = emails(i)[['subject']]
Use Items.Find/FindNext
or Items.Restrict
with a query like [ReceivedTime] >= '02/20/2020 00:00am'