
How to resolve Bad Request on assignments endpoint in classes?

When I call the Graph /assigments endpoint, I get a Bad Request with the following message:

Resource not found for the segment 'assignments'.

This same code pattern works with other endpoints like /teachers and /members, just not /assignments.


$getEventsUrlAssignments = '/education/classes/' . $class->getId() . '/assignments';
try {
    $assignments = $graph->createRequest('GET', $getEventsUrlAssignments)
catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) {

I've added the right permissions as described in the documentation:

What could I possibly be doing wrong?


  • You're receiving this error because /assignments is only available in the Beta version of Graph. If you attempt to call this endpoint using v1.0, Graph will reject the request with the following error:

        "error": {
            "code": "BadRequest",
            "message": "Resource not found for the segment 'assignments'.",
            "innerError": {
                "request-id": "38df490c-3a2b-4fe8-a77e-a7cce82831b5",
                "date": "2020-02-20T18:46:16"

    In order to use the /assignments endpoints, you'll need to call the Beta version:


    You can tell the SDK to use the Beta version using setApiVersion:

    $graph = new Graph();
    $getEventsUrlAssignments = '/education/classes/' . $class->getId() . '/assignments';
    try {
        $assignments = $graph->createRequest('GET', $getEventsUrlAssignments)
    catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) {

    You'll also need to reference the Beta models since there isn't a model for Assignment in v1.0. This process is described in the SDK's Wiki under Using Beta Models.