My Chrome DevTools pauses at a breakpoint I set.
I go to the console, and I manually call a function (say, myFunc()
) and it executes properly.
However, the breakpoint I set inside myFunc()
is never hit! I expect that when I call the function, the function in the code should be called and the breakpoint should be hit!
The source code is extremely simple:
// Import stylesheets
import './style.css';
// Write TypeScript code!
const appDiv: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('app');
appDiv.innerHTML = `<h1>TypeScript Starter</h1>`;
appDiv.__proto__.myFunc = function(){
var myCoolFunction = "My cool function"; //. <---- breakpoint on this line is never hit
console.log('myCoolFunction:', myCoolFunction);
console.log('appDiv', appDiv); // <---- manually call appDiv.myFunc() while paused on this line
Here is the link to the page:
Link to source code in Stackblitz:
It seems like you are paused at a breakpoint on line 12 in the screenshot, and you're trying to call the function from there. Since the debugger is already paused there, my guess ('guess', since I am not familiar with the internals of the debugger) is that it cannot jump to any other breakpoint without using the debugger controls.
A suggested workaround:
When the debugger pauses on line 12, assign the reference of appDiv
to a new variable in the console:
savedAppDiv = appDiv
Then continue and let the script run entirely. After that, you can use the stored reference to call myFunc
and it should pause at the breakpoint within it: