
VS Code highlighted all my wordpress function name

I am using PHP Intelephense(version 1.3.7) which is the latest version and my VS Code is up to date There was no problem before but a few days ago, it keeps on highlighted all my wordpress function name I tried to downgrade my PHP Intelephense but the situation still exist.. Any help will be appreciate

enter image description here


  • You have to add "wordpress" to the intelephense.stubs array setting in your VS Code settings file. This array should probably also have many other stubs listed as well. For example: ("wordpress" is at the bottom)

    //  VS Code settings.json
        // ... other settings here ...
        "intelephense.files.maxSize": 3000000,
        "intelephense.stubs": [
            "Zend OPcache",

    You can also take a look at these github issues: