
In DevOpsServer 2019, rules with doubles seem to be different in different locations

In DevOps Server, I am trying to set a default value for the WIT "bug". Story points should always be set to 0.5

So I changed and uploaded the witd in that way:

<FIELD name="Story Points" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.StoryPoints" type="Double" reportable="measure" formula="sum">
    <HELPTEXT>The size of work estimated for fixing the bug</HELPTEXT>
    <DEFAULT from="value" value="0.5" />

I can import and use it in my browser without problems. But each time, a colleague creates a bug and uses german language profile, the value is set to 5 instead of 0.5 Can I change anything in the XML that everyone puts in 0.5?


  • It really seems to be a bug on Microsoft side. And the only way to have the Right values seems to be changing to English profile. For us, browser and Windows are in German. But we will force colleagues to switch to English profile in DevOps Server.