Want to copy a file from a remote server to hadoop without copying to edge node.
1.Per below article we can do it in 2 step by first doing scp to local edge node and then perform hdfs fs command to move from edge node to hdfs https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Support-Questions/Import-data-from-remote-server-to-HDFS/td-p/233148
2.Per below article we can do ssh cat, but we have files like .gz which cannot be CAT putting a remote file into hadoop without copying it to local disk
But I am looking for a 3rd option where we can scp instead of ssh CAT and copy to hadoop without copying to Edge node.
Hadoop doesnt have an SCP upload feature.
If you want to get files in without an edge node or SSH, then that's what WebHDFS or the NFSGateway offer