I would like to upload data into snowflake table. The snowflake table has a primary key field with AUTOINCREMENT.
When I tried to upload data into snowflake without a primary key field, I've received following error message:
The COPY failed with error: Number of columns in file (2) does not match that of the corresponding table (3), use file format option error_on_column_count_mismatch=false to ignore this error
Does anyone know if I can bulk load data into a table that has an AUTOINCREMENT primary key?
You can query the stage file using file format to load your data. I have created sample table like below. First column set autoincrement:
-- Create the target table
create or replace table Employee (
empidnumber autoincrement start 1 increment 1,
name varchar,
salary varchar
I have staged one sample file into snowflake internal stage to load data into table and I have queried stage file using following and then I have executed following copy cmd:
copy into mytable (name, salary )from (select $1, $2 from @test/test.csv.gz );
And it loaded the table with incremented values.