Following step by step the example at,
on Step2, I get the following error.
D:\google-api-python\py>gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [my-project-for-tts] --member "serviceAccount:[tts-python-1]@[my-project-for-tts]" --role "roles/owner"
ERROR: (gcloud.projects.add-iam-policy-binding) INVALID_ARGUMENT: Request contains an invalid argument.
What argument seems to be invalid here?
My intention is to use the Text-to-Speech services by loading a custom input text file and save the output in my local disk. I installed successfully google-sdk and python.
It seems like the square brackets are the invalid argument here. Using my own service account and running your command I get the same error, but removing the the [] runs fine.
If you remove the [] then the command will work fine.