
Vaadin: Daisy chain of filters?

I have this particular problem now - I have a grid that I am trying to have the data filtered through multiple filters. For that, I am using textboxes that serve as input fields for my filtering criterion.

My grid has three columns (First Name, Last Name, Address) and I would like to be able to chain the filtering operations one after the other. All of the values are taken from a MySQL database.

Essentially the filter process should go like this:

FirstName ^ LastName ^ Address

For example, grid with three columns:

enter image description here


And in the filter for First Name column, I input the variables Aa, which would result in the table looking like this:

enter image description here


However, if I decided input D into the Last Name filter it returns results like this (ignores the modifications by the first filter):

enter image description here


Instead of the expected result which would look like this:

enter image description here enter image description here

The way I am filtering through the grid is like this:

firstNameFilter.addValueChangeListener( e->

        ldp.setFilter(desc -> 
            return StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(desc.getFName(), firstNameFilter.getValue());

What would be the best way to filter through multiple columns whilst taking into consideration previous filter actions?


  • listDataProvider.setFilter(...) will overwrite any existing filter.
    I have written an answer about this very topic, with a complete example code ready for copy paste, and screenshots showing that the multiple filters work as expected.
    The most important takeaway from it is this:

    Every time that any filter value changes, I reset the current filter using setFilter. But within that new Filter, I will check the values of ALL filter fields, and not only the value of the field whose value just changed. In other words, I always have only one single filter active, but that filter accounts for all defined filter-values.

    Here is how it could look with your code:

    firstNameFilter.addValueChangeListener( e-> this.onFilterChange());
    lastNameFilter.addValueChangeListener( e-> this.onFilterChange());
    addressFilter.addValueChangeListener( e-> this.onFilterChange());
    // sidenote: all filter fields need ValueChangeMode.EAGER to work this way
    private void onFilterChange(){
        ldp.setFilter(desc -> {
            boolean fNameMatch = true;
            boolean lNameMatch = true;
            boolean addressMatch = true;
                fNameMatch = StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(desc.getFName(), firstNameFilter.getValue());
                lNameMatch = StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(desc.getLName(), lastNameFilter.getValue());
                addressMatch = StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(desc.getAddress(), addressFilter.getValue());
            return fNameMatch && lNameMatch && addressMatch;