I am a student doing assigment can any tell me the solution for numbers of bs evenly divided by 3.Have already checked stackover flow no such question i found.
First, all languages are sets of strings whose symbols are taken from some alphabet. You mention just one symbol, b. Your alphabet may be {b}. Or, maybe your strings can also have a; then your alphabet is {a, b}. I'll assume the latter for this answer since it's the harder case to answer and is more representative of all other possible cases.
We make a few observations:
The simplest string with three instances of b is bbb. However, as a regular expression, this restricts us to just contiguous instances of b. We want to be able to add instances of a anywhere; so consider
a*ba* ba*ba*
This regular expression gives us just the strings with exactly three instances of b. To allow any number, we can use a Kleene star and add some more a*: