How can I change the label of the line generated with e_mark_line? Here is my attempt, instead of showing the number 200, I'd like it to have my own label.
line <- list(
xAxis = 200
, name = "label 1"
USArrests %>%
e_charts(Assault) %>%
e_scatter(Murder, Rape) %>%
e_mark_line(data = line, symbol = "none", name = "label 2")
The underlying echarts JavaScript to mark lines, points and areas is rather convoluted. The title must be specified in the data
. In the dev version there are convenience title
related arguments.
cars %>%
e_charts(speed) %>%
e_scatter(dist, symbol_size = 5) %>%
e_legend(FALSE) %>%
# manual
e_mark_line(data = list(xAxis = 7, symbol = "rect", label = list(formatter = "tortoise"))) %>%
# convenience arguments in latest github version
e_mark_line(data = list(xAxis = 12), title = "Speed Limit") %>%
e_mark_line(data = list(xAxis = 22), title = "Need for Speed")