
How can I parse email text for components like <salutation><body><signature><reply text> etc?

I'm writing an application that analyzes emails and it would save me a bunch of time if I could use a python library that would parse email text down into named components like <salutation><body><signature><reply text> etc.

For example, the following text "Hi Dave,\nLets meet up this Tuesday\nCheers, Tom\n\nOn Sunday, 15 May 2011 at 5:02 PM, Dave Trindall wrote: Hey Tom,\nHow about we get together ..." would be parsed as

Salutation: "Hi Dave,\n"
Body: "Lets meet up this Tuesday\n"
Signature: "Cheers, Tom\n\n"
Reply Text: "On Sunday, 15 May 2011 at 5:02 PM, Dave Trindal wrote: ..."

I know there's no perfect solution for this kind of problem, but even a library that does good approximation would help. Where can I find one?



    This provides functionality posed in the original question, plus fair recognition of email zones as they commonly appear in email written by native English speakers from common email clients like Outlook and Gmail.