For the following data I am trying to filter rows, of each group ID, based on these conditions:
type='B' and value='Y'
do the following
type='F' and value='Y'
.Can we create the flag variable as shown in my want dataset? so that I can filter on Flag='Y'?
ID Type Date Value
001 F 1/2/2018 Y
001 B 1/3/2018
001 B 1/4/2018 Y
001 B 1/5/2018
001 B 1/6/2018
001 F 1/6/2018 Y
001 B 1/6/2018
001 B 1/7/2018
001 B 1/8/2018 Y
001 B 1/8/2018
001 B 1/9/2018
002 F 1/2/2018 Y
002 B 1/3/2018
002 B 1/4/2018
ID Type Date Value Flag
001 F 1/2/2018 Y Y
001 B 1/3/2018 Y
001 B 1/4/2018 Y Y
001 B 1/5/2018
001 B 1/6/2018
001 F 1/6/2018 Y Y
001 B 1/6/2018 Y
001 B 1/7/2018 Y
001 B 1/8/2018 Y Y
001 B 1/8/2018
001 B 1/9/2018
002 F 1/2/2018 Y Y
002 B 1/3/2018 Y
002 B 1/4/2018 Y
I tried to do the following
data F;
set have;
where Type='F';run;
data B;
set have;
where Type='B';run;
proc sql;
create table all as select
a.* from B as b
inner join F as f
and >=;
This includes all the rows from my have dataset. Any help is much appreciated.
The criteria for computing the state of a row as part of a contiguous sub-group (call it a 'run' of rows) within group ID
are relatively simple, but a compromised state might occur or be indicated if some funny cases of data occur:
data want(drop=run_:);
SET have;
BY id;
run_first = (type='F' and value='Y');
run_final = (type='B' and value='Y');
* set flag state at criteria for start of contiguous sub-group criteria;
run_flag + run_first;
if and NOT run_flag then
put 'WARNING: first row in group ' id= ' is not F Y, this may be incorrect';
if run_flag > 1 and run_first then
put 'WARNING: an additional F Y before a B Y at row ' _n_;
if run_flag then
if run_flag = 0 and run_final then
put 'WARNING: an additional B Y before a F Y at row ' _n_;
* reset flag at criteria for contiguous sub-group;
if or run_final then
run_flag = 0;