I'm trying to add a proxy to a public repository (specifically camel-extra). However, I get the following error in my Nexus logs:
Cannot fetch remote index for repository camel-extra
and then further down:
The remoteURL we requested does not exists on remote server (remoteUrl="http://camel-extra.googlecode.com/svn/maven2/releases/.index/nexus-maven-repository-index.properties")
I've ensured that 'Download Remote Indexes' is 'True', repaired the index, updated the index, all to no avail. Browsing to the provided URL shows that the artifacts are there.
So if a repository doesn't have this file, is it not proxy-able through Nexus?
TIA, Roy
Thanks for the answers everyone - was able to pull the artifacts without the index. Thanks again!
Repositories without indexes published will be still proxy-able thru Nexus (or any other MRM). Index is only a "topping" providing useful extras like searching the whole remote content, etc.
The index does not participate in proxy-ing at all, hence the lack of it on remote does not affect main functionality of Nexus at all: to proxy artifacts from remote repository.