
How to schedule cron job to run everyday at 3 am in NiFi

I have a flow that fetches data from Presto and does some ETL and pushes back the CSV file to the s3 bucket. My flow is as follows:

**QueryDatabaseTable -> convertRecord -> RouteText -> puts3Object** 

I know we can achieve this with cron job scheduling feature. The idea is to have new files ingested every morning in the s3 bucket.

what will be the cron syntax?? I tried 0 0 3 1/1 * ? * but it doesn't seem to run at 3 am every day. Any reason why?

How can I achieve this?

Thanks in advance!


  • Nifi uses quartz cron for syntax, you can create/test your cron expressions in this link.

    To schedule at 3AM everyday use the below cron expression:

    Right Click on QuerydatabaseTable -> configure -> Scheduling tab -> Scheduling Strategy(choose) CRON driven!

    0 0 3 1/1 * ? *