I want get to Parent
and its only active Children
and active Grand Children
using Entityframework Plus
Parent -> Children -> GrandChildren
var parent = await _dbContext.Parent
.IncludeFilter(p=>p.Children.Where(c=>c.IsActive == true))
.IncludeFilter(p=>p.Children.Select(c=>c.GrandChildren.Where(gc=>gc.IsActive ==true)))
.Where(p=>p.ParnetID == 1234)
The above query does not work. The children does not get filtered. It returns all Children including inactive children. However GrandChildren gets filtered( however i am guessing grand childeren are getting filtered in memory not in sql)
You must include the filter as well on the Children the second time you use IncludeFilter
, otherwise, you will include the Children unfiltered.
var parent = await _dbContext.Parent
.IncludeFilter(p=>p.Children.Where(c=>c.IsActive == true))
.IncludeFilter(p=>p.Children.Where(c=>c.IsActive == true).Select(c=>c.GrandChildren.Where(gc=>gc.IsActive ==true)))
.Where(p=>p.ParnetID == 1234)