
To improve image quality of made circular thumbnails

How do I generate circular thumbnails with PIL? shows a way how to make circular thumbnails.

Following the sample and I am using a picture here, and here's what's generated.

enter image description here

The generated picture quality doesn't look very good, I want to improve it, so change the last line a bit:

from PIL import Image, ImageOps

mask ='mask.png').convert('L')
im ='image.png')

output =, mask.size, centering=(0.5, 0.5))
output.putalpha(mask)'output.png', dpi=(800,800))

But seems the picture quality is not improved.

What's the way to improve the picture quality after circled?

image with solution in the answer image with solution in the answer


  • Try using a different downsampling filter, by adding, for example, method=Image.LANCZOS to the .fit call.