The network share is not running IIS, it is not running anything but is simply used as a share where all images and media files are uploaded too.
In IIS, I created a Virtual Directory UNDER the domain and pointed it to my image server \\ImageServer\Files
In IIS for this folder, it displays all the sub-folders. (As seen in the image below)
However, when I try to bring the image up to view, it gives a 404 error and points to the directory of the Domain for the file not being there.
It thinks the files are stored on the local server, and not from a share.
All permissions are set, everything is running correctly so far on the server(s)
Except this.
What am I missing here? Do I need to create another
SiteId 15
AppPoolId Radio
ConnId 1610626168
RawConnId 0
RequestVerb GET
ModuleName IIS Web Core
HttpStatus 404
HttpReason Not Found
HttpSubStatus 0
ErrorCode The system cannot find the file specified. (0x80070002)
FileName G:\Inetpub\wwwroot\\host\files\Covers\Big\1_02282020070502823.jpg
UserName IUSR
I found a solution to this issue and thought I would share it.
I would like to start off with this.
For whatever reason, the webpage gave me a 401 error, for authentication.
That is when I looked it up for IIS Authentication and found the second part below. And it worked!
(This first section was already in place)
Part I
Application Pool
Choose the custom Pool for your website.
Choose [Advanced Settings] from the right panel.
Under Identity
Click on the Elips
Choose [Custom Account]
Type in the username of the domain with administration and domain roles.
Type in the password and confirm it.
Click OK then OK again.
Part II
(This I found on SO, and modified it to work with the Pool)
Click on the website name.
Under IIS
Choose [Authentication]
Choose [Anonymous Authentication]
Choose Edit from the Right panel
Select [Application pool identity]
Click OK.
I was so happy when I saw this actually working.