I am new to ReactJs. I have good knowledge of other OOP languages such as Java, C++, etc. That is why I am trying to find similarities between OOP and ReactJs. As we always do in Java, we make a static utility class to expose few common functionalities which are used all over the application.
How do I do it in ReactJs? My scenario is like I have few CURD methods done by Axios in Reactjs which communicates with the database. I need all CURD methods in several components. So I would like to make CurdApi.js and put all the common CURD there. Later I call them from other components. Is it possible to do in Reactjs? My possible curd API's are like:-
function postPhoto(selectedFile)
function postData(data)
function photo getPhoto()
function data getData()
Those are a hypothetical CURD that may not correct ReactJs syntax. I want to add them to a utility class or functional component to reuse all over the ReactJs App. Is there any way to do it?
You can definitely add them to a js file and have them imported to the component you want. You can have your methods as static like this.
export default class MyUtility {
static postPhoto(selectedFile) {
return true;
static postData(data) {
return true;
static getPhoto() {
return photo;
static getData() {
return data;
And use them in the component:
import MyUtility from '../../Common/myUtility';
let result = MyUtility.postPhoto(mySelectedFile);