I have the right IP address although when I go to connect to my mac I get this error message:
An error occurred while generating the SSH keys. Please check that the environment is properly configured. Details: cat: /Users/cbcb/Library/Caches/Xamarin/XMA/Keys/---------------------: No such file or directory
I have tried creating a new admin user, I have remote login enabled, and when I go to the following location above the folder is blanked.
I fixed this problem by manually importing the public ssh key in MonoTouch folder into the authorized_keys on mac.
To do so :
1- Copy the content of 'id_rsa.pub' located in "%localAppData%/Xamarin/Monotouch"
2- In your MAC (assuming that it is running on a VM), go to "/Users//.ssh/Authorized_keys" Open the file, paste the key in a new line, save then close.
3- Now go back to your Visual Studio and try again, you'll be able to pair your macOS