
understanding dependency relationship in UML component diagram

I'm struggling at understanding UML component diagram.

I've just been through the "assembly connectors" and here's what I (think I) understood:

My question is: why is there a dependency relationship arrow from the interface which Account provides (AccountDetails) and the interface which Order requires (Payment)?

The link of this image doesn't explain it.

enter image description here


  • The assembly connector (two shown on top) is a kind of provisional concept. You know that there should be an interface used instead, but have not yet made up the details. This is a connector which looks like socket/lollipop. But it's a connector.

    The separate lollipop/socket are concrete interface uses. These are real elements. The interface itself is not actually shown (you will have a separate diagram showing the details). But to make clear that the depending interface is related to the providing one you draw a dependency.

    Simply spoken, the above is something in the middle of a design phase. Finally all assemblies should be replaced by provided/required interfaces.