Stuggling here...
I have a DLL loaded, and can create an Object;
Set objServer = CreateObject("Matrikon.OPC.Automation.1")
I can then create a new Object, based on a Property of the objServer (I think I am saying that right?)
Set objGroups = objServer.OPCGroups
Set objGroup = objGroups.Add("Group001")
The manual shows OPCGroups
is a Property
of OPCServer
. Once I have called this Property, I am left with a new Object of type OPCGroups, that I can then call its Properties and Methods.
Syntax OPCGroups As OPCGroups
This works fine. I then continue, and get stuck when calling this function;
Syntax AddItems (Count As Long, ItemIDs() As String, ClientHandles() As Long, ByRef ServerHandles() As Long, ByRef Errors() As Long, Optional RequestedDataTypes As Variant, Optional AccessPaths As Variant)
It wants an Array of Strings. However, in VBScript, I always end up with an Array of Variants (VarType = 8204). When I try and pass my array, I get a Type Mismatch error. I can't find a way of strongly typing it to an Array of Strings; I'm not even sure it's possible.
Over to JScript
I perform the same first steps as above, but when I create the OPCGroups
var objGroups = objServer.OPCGroups;
Something hasn't worked. It hasn't actually created an OPCGroups
object with all its associated Properties/Methods. When I try and call a Method
var objGroup = objGroups.Add();
It says the 'Object doesn't support this property or method'. It's as though it just created a generic/blank Object; not one typed as an OPCGroups
So. Can I workaround either of these issues?
Just cleaning this up.
I used PowerShell - amazing how 3 years ago I knew nothing about PowerShell. Using newer .NET OPC APIs, it was much simpler;
Load DLLs
$PSScriptRoot = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
# Namespaces Opc, Opc.Ae, Opc.Da, Opc.Hda
Add-Type -Path ($PSScriptRoot + "\OpcNetApi.dll")
# Namespaces OpcCom, OpcCom.Ae, OpcCom.Da, OpcCom.Hda, OpcCom.Da20 and OpcCom.Da.Wrapper - the same namespace as the original Interop.OPCAutomation.dll
Add-Type -Path ($PSScriptRoot + "\OpcNetApi.Com.dll")
Make an array of tags as strings, and then convert to Opc.Da.Items[]
# Convert array of strings into an Array of Opc.Da.Items[]
$masterItemsList = $tagList | ForEach {New-Object "Opc.DA.Item" ([String]$_)}
Connect to OPC Server
$opcFactory = New-Object "OpcCom.Factory"
# Constructor is Opc.Da.Server(OPC.Factory factory, Opc.URL url). Leave URL $null - apply it in the connect method
$opcServer = New-Object "Opc.DA.Server" ($opcFactory, $null)
$opcURL = New-Object "Opc.URL" ("opcda://" + $serverName + "/" + $progID)
# Method is void Connect(Opc.URL url, new Opc.ConnectData(new System.Net.NetworkCredential())). connectData can supply Windows Credentials
$opcServer.Connect($opcURL, $null)
No need to create an OPC Group; it is done automatically.
$opcResults = $opcServer.Read([Opc.Da.ItemValueResult[]]$masterItemsList)
This doesn't really solve the VBS/JScript issue, but I hope someone finds it helpful.