So, I have an after_save hook on review model which calls calculate_specific_rating function of product model. The function goes like this:
def calculate_specific_rating
ratings = reviews.reload.all.pluck(:rating)
specific_rating =
ratings.each { |rating| specific_rating[rating] += 1 }
self.specific_rating = specific_rating
Right now, it returns
specific_rating => {
"2"=> 3, "4"=> 1
I want it to return like:
specific_rating => {
"1"=> 0, "2"=>3, "3"=>0, "4"=>1, "5"=>0
Also, is it okay to initialize a new hash everytime a review is saved? I want some alternative. Thanks
You can create a range from 1 until the maximum value in ratings
plus 1 and start iterating through it, yielding an array where the first element is the current one, and the second element is the total of times the current element is present in ratings
. After everything the result is converted to a hash:
self.specific_rating = (1..ratings.max + 1).to_h { |e| [e.to_s, ratings.count(e)] }