
Can't connect to NeDB on render process Electron

I have problem with connect NeDB to my react-electron app. Now I install NeDB on my project and connect him to electron.js file.

const Datastore = require('nedb');
let db = {};
db.students = new Datastore({
    autoload: true
db.students.insert({name : "Putin V.V.", year: 1952});

Now I need connect this db to my app.js file. How I can manipulate with this file on render part?

GitHub code


  • You can achive your idea by using ipc at Electron. I posted an answer before. Please check the below.

    how to communicate between react and electron

    But here is the pre-requirements.

    You should enable the nodeintegration when you are creating the BrowserWindow So at your code, it should be like this

    mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
            width: 1280,
            height: 720,
            minWidth: 900,
            minHeight: 600,
            show: false,
            icon: "",
            webPreferences: {
                nodeIntegration: true

    After this, you can use this ipcRenderer at renderer(your react app). If you don't set this option. Then you will face the similar issue as below

    ipcRenderer not receiving message from main process