I have the following piece of result, which i need to add. Seems like a simple request, but i have spent a few days already trying to find the solution to this problem.
Data have:
Measure Jan_total Feb_total
Startup 100 200
Switcher 300 500
Data want:
Measure Jan_total Feb_total
Startup 100 200
Switcher 300 500
Total 400 700
I want individually placed vertical sum results of each column under the respective column please.
Can someone help me arrive at the solution for this request, please?
To do this in data step code, you would do something like:
data want;
set have end=end; * Var 'end' will be true when we get to the end of 'have'.;
jan_sum + jan_total; * These 'sum statements' accumulate the totals from each observation.;
feb_sum + feb_total;
output; * Output each of the original obbservations.;
if end then do; * When we reach the end of the input...;
measure = 'Total'; * ...update the value in Measure...;
jan_total = jan_sum; * ...move the accumulated totals to the original vars...;
feb_total = feb_sum;
output; * ...and output them in an additional observation.
drop jan_sum feb_sum; * Get rid of the accumulator variables (this statement can go anywhere in the step).;
You could do this many other ways. Assuming that you actually have columns for all the months, you might re-write the data step code to use arrays, or you might use PROC SUMMARY or PROC SQL to calculate the totals and add the resulting totals back using a much shorter data step, etc.