
Google Cloud Identity Platform (CICP) SAML Workflow Fails


Using Firebase Auth and a SAML Auth Provider with the following configuration:

const config = {
    apiKey: "AIzaSy...",
    authDomain: "",


const provider = new firebase.auth.SAMLAuthProvider('saml.example-idp');

function saml() {
        .then((result) => {
        .catch((error) => {

The CICP configuration for the SAML upstream has the Service Provider: our entity id and the ACS configured as our CICP

What I expect to happen

To be able to set a breakpoint in the signInWithRedirect()'s Promise's then and see the authenticated user.

What actually happens

Flow is redirected to the IdP and authentication handled.

The IdP emits the redirect-posting page with automatic submit-on-load and a multipart/form-data form with:

This in turn causes CICP to render and return a page with script that sets up

var POST_BODY=""------WebKitFormBoundary9bn7AOpnZiIRk9qZ\r\nContent....."

i.e. rather than parsing the form body and extracting the SAMLResponse field, it is replaying the entire Request.body into the script and then calling fireauth.oauthhelper.widget.initialize();

This obviously fails because that roundtrips and then attempts to post the entire response body to the /__/auth/handler endpoint as a querystring.

I suspect there's a simple configuration item that's missing from this chain, because all of the flows look normal to me until the multipart form data gets pushed into the POST_BODY and then prevents the transform of the SAML token into an OAuth token.

The question

What configuration item is incorrect in this (redacted) setup, and what is the correct derivation of the value to replace it with?


  • Short answer to long question:

    The SAML provider handling in Firebase Auth and Google CICP doesn't process multipart/form-data and needs to be in application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

    This is a SAML IdP configuration, not something which can be handled by the Firebase Auth service provider configuration.