
Is it possible to ignore class-validator on the client side?

I have an app with NestJs with separated server and client. In server side, I use ValidationPipe and use decorators on DTO classes, for example:

export class SearchDto {
   readonly offset?: string;

   readonly value: string;

   readonly limit: number;

Everything works, but on the client side, I can't use classes with decorators (it's strict rule) and I simply need to use it like type, - const search: SearchDto = await...

How class-validator (class-transformer) works when there is no ValidationPipe over it? Is it wrapped as in server side or fully ignored? Does it call __decorate and put it inside js bundle?

Otherwise I need to write interfaces like this :

export class SearchDto implements ISearchDto {
   readonly offset?: string;

   readonly value: string;

   readonly limit: number;

export interface ISearchDto {
  offset?: string;
  value: string;
  limit: number;

let decorated: SearchDto;
let nonDecorated: ISearchDto;

Thanks for your help.


  • If you aren't allowed to use classes with decorators, you may want to look into using class-validator with schemas so that decorators are not necessary.

    Class-validator works by setting metadata about fields via the decorators it uses, and can only do so much on type alone. The library then reads that metadata and checks it against the current type of the object/field and determines if its conditions are satisfied. The library is self contained so it doesn't need to go to a server or anything. If you look at the source code for the ValidationPipe, you can see that Nest is just transforming the object with class-transformer (also known as deserializing) to make the JSON object a JavaScript Class, then runs that class through class-validator, checks the results, and returns, either the instance of the object ( if transform: true is set in the options), or the original payload after it's been validated.

    The metadata defined by these decorators though can be mimicked through a schema file as described in the first link above.