I'm trying to create users from a csv file in symfony. I'm using LEAGUECSV.
I get this error when I execute php ./bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Notice: Undefined index: FIRST_NAME
This is my fixture:
class UserFixture extends Fixture
private $encoder;
public function __construct(UserPasswordEncoderInterface $encoder)
$this->encoder = $encoder;
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
$reader = Reader::createFromPath('%kernel.root_dir%/../src/CSVDATA/dbigo.csv');
foreach ($reader->getRecords() as $result) {
$user = New User();
I tried using fetchAssoc
but apparently that feature was deleted in the updated version of LEAGUECSV
My csv file have in the first column all the indexes
You need to specify a header offset if you want your records returned as an associative array: https://csv.thephpleague.com/9.0/reader/#csv-records
$reader = Reader::createFromPath('%kernel.root_dir%/../src/CSVDATA/dbigo.csv');
foreach ($reader->getRecords() as $result) {
// $result is now an associative array based on the header row