
Is there a way to enable trace to display the sequence of decisions executed for a DMN in Kogito?

I finally got my sample dmn-quarkus example running. Is there a property that enables the trace, such a way it prints the sequence of decisions executed?

I noticed that when I provide a incorrect JSON for my DMN model, Kogito responds with a detail response, telling me which decision failed.

This is awesome! Is there a property to turn on to get the details in each response?


  • Kogito is based on a domain-model first approach to code generation

    Kogito ergo domain

    Kogito adopts to your business domain rather than the other way around [...]

    this means the automatically code-generated API will always take the "shape" of the input/output context of the DMN model, and no longer the v7.x kie-server approach of a generic API.

    The information you obtain during error is meant to provide an analogous to a stacktrace.

    You can always leverage the Kogito API programming model to build the REST service yourself, in the way better fit your specific business requirement --shall that be provide a list of DMNDecisionResult(s). For instance a pragmatic approach could be to inspect the automatically generated code, and then code a bespoke service, based on this one.

    We are looking into Audit functional requirements, but that is not provided out of the box yet. We always welcome community feedback, especially even more in this very early versions! Don't hesitate to join the community on our mailing-list or raise a JIRA ticket to take part of the conversation, the team will be glad to look further into it considering community feedback and suggestions!