I am trying to profile various portions of a .Net Core 2.2 library. I decided to use unit testing since I have unit tests for many of the areas I want to profile. I am trying to use StackExchange's MiniProfiler but I don't see anything in the documentation about how to view the profiling results.
I created a property on my test fixture: public MiniProfiler Profiler { get; private set; }
and populated it in the constructor of the fixture:
this.Profiler = MiniProfiler.StartNew("CRMODataDataSource Profiler");
Then call my code I want to profile:
using (Fixture.Profiler.Step("TestDefaultWithDynamic"))
testValue =
(testEntity.HasPrimaryKey() == true)
&& testEntity.GetPrimaryKey().KeyValues.All(v =>
if (null != v.Value)
return !CrmEntityFixture.ValueIsDefault((dynamic)v.Value);
return false;
I installed the nuget packages using: Install-Package MiniProfiler.AspNetCore -IncludePrerelease
The documentation shows a UI and talks about it but never mentions how to start the UI. I have searched the output folders and didn't find any files that resemble profile data.
The unit tests doesn't have any web ui, instead it behaves almost the same as a console. Checkout this page: https://miniprofiler.com/dotnet/ConsoleDotNetCore
// Default configuration usually works for most, but override, you can call:
// MiniProfiler.Configure(new MiniProfilerOptions { ... });
var profiler = MiniProfiler.StartNew("My Profiler Name");
using (profiler.Step("Main Work"))
// Do some work...
// or for the active profiler: