
Azure KeyVault Secret near expiry list to email as a notification

I'm try to send List of secrets that are expired and about to expired to email ID . But i cant able to see Secrets that are near about to expire. is anybody help how to get near about to expiry secrets of azure keyVault?

i'm using below code :

    if ($secret.Expires) {
        $secretExpiration = Get-date $secret.Expires -Format yyyyMMdd
        if ($ExpirationDate -gt $secretExpiration) {
            if ($CurrentDate -lt $secretExpiration) {
                $NearExpirationSecrets += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    Name           = $secret.Name;
                    Category       = 'SecretNearExpiration';
                    KeyVaultName   = $KeyVault.VaultName;
                    ExpirationDate = $secret.Expires;


  • You could try my script below, in my sample, A secret that will expire in 7 days means secret is about to expired, the script get all the secrets that are about to expired in a keyvault.

    $KeyVault = Get-AzKeyVault -ResourceGroupName <group-name> -VaultName joykeyvault 
    $secrets = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName joykeyvault 
    $Date = Get-Date (Get-Date).AddDays(7) -Format yyyyMMdd
    $CurrentDate = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd
    $NearExpirationSecrets = @()
    foreach($secret in $secrets){
        if($secret.Expires) {
        $secretExpiration = Get-Date $secret.Expires -Format yyyyMMdd
        if($secretExpiration -lt $Date -and $secretExpiration -gt $CurrentDate){
               $NearExpirationSecrets += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Name           = $secret.Name;
                        Category       = 'SecretNearExpiration';
                        KeyVaultName   = $KeyVault.VaultName;
                        ExpirationDate = $secret.Expires;

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