I'm calling three services in a row. When I'm calling third service, I need to use variable from first service response which is userModel
. I can get second service response from which is initModel
but can't reach first model userModel
. My Question is that how can I use userModel in done block by returning it then blocks?
P.S: I tried to return -> Promise<(UserModel,InstallationModel)>
in first call but because UserModel
is already an object not a promise, I need to convert it to promise to return it. This looks like me a bad way to do it.
As you can see I'm storing it with self.userModel = userModel
which I don't wanna do.
func callService(completionHandler: @escaping (Result<UserModel>) -> Void) {
SandboxService.createsandboxUser().then { userModel -> Promise<InstallationModel> in
self.userModel = userModel
return SandboxService.initializeClient(publicKey: self.keyPairs.publicKey)
}.then { initModel -> Promise<DeviceServerResponseModel> in
self.initModel = initModel
if let unwrappedUserModel = self.userModel {
return SandboxService.deviceServerServiceCaller(authKey: initModel.token.token,apiKey:unwrappedUserModel.apiKey,privaKey: self.keyPairs.privateKey)
throw ServiceError.handleParseError()
}.then { serverResponseModel -> Promise<UserModel> in
if let unwrappedInitModel = self.initModel, let unwrappedUserModel = self.userModel {
return SandboxService.sessionServiceCaller(authKey: unwrappedInitModel.token.token, apiKey: unwrappedUserModel.apiKey, privaKey: self.keyPairs.privateKey)
throw ServiceError.handleParseError()
}.done { userModel in
}.catch { error in
I had also opened issue at PromiseKit page @Github. I'm sharing answer of Mxcl from Github to here also.
func callService(completionHandler: @escaping (Result<UserModel>) -> Void) {
SandboxService.createsandboxUser().then { userModel in
firstly {
SandboxService.initializeClient(publicKey: self.keyPairs.publicKey)
}.then { initModel in
SandboxService.deviceServerServiceCaller(authKey: initModel.token.token, apiKey: userModel.apiKey,privaKey: self.keyPairs.privateKey).map{ ($0, initiModel) }
}.then { serverResponseModel, initModel in
SandboxService.sessionServiceCaller(authKey: initModel.token.token, apiKey: userModel.apiKey, privaKey: self.keyPairs.privateKey)
}.pipe(to: completionHandler)