Trying to attempt the following in MS Access.
Convert data in one field to an 18 digit number starting with 01 in another field.
There are also some conditions that have to be met:
My query works fine until the decimal is the 15th character in the data.
Here is the query:
SELECT MasterVacant.ParcelIdNumber,
"01" + Mid([ParcelIdNumber],1,2) + "00" + Mid([ParcelIdNumber],4,2) + Mid([ParcelIdNumber],7,1)
+ IIf(Mid([ParcelIDNumber],11,1) = "", "0"+Mid([ParcelIDNumber],9,2), Mid([ParcelIDNumber],9,3))
+ IIf(Mid([ParcelIDNumber],14,1) = ".", "0"+Mid([ParcelIDNumber],12,2), Mid([ParcelIDNumber],12,3))
+ Mid([ParcelIDNumber],15,3) AS ParcelNumber
FROM MasterVacant;
Here is a start and finish example...
'12-06-1-00-50.000-RR' should become '011200061000050000'
'12-06-3-07-09.000-RR' should become '011200063007009000'
'13-35-1-01-129.000-RR' should become '011300035100112900'
However, instead of getting `0113000351001129000' I get '013000351001129.00'.
The issue is how do I remove the decimal when the decimal is the 15th character like in the third set of example?
I receive the data as a single column. Some of it is below....
1. 13-35-1-07-29.000-RR
2. 13-35-1-01-112.000-RR (Removing the decimal when the data is like this is the issue)
3. 13-35-4-01-01.000-RR
4. 13-35-4-02-04.000-RR
5. 13-35-1-13-17.000-RR
The output for the above data should be
1. 011300351007029000
2. 011300351001112000
3. 011300354001001000
4. 011300354002004000
5. 011300351013017000
Use a custom function:
Public Function Make18(ByVal Value As String) As String
Const Head As String = "01"
Const Tail As String = "000"
Const Lead As String = "00"
Dim Parts As Variant
Dim Part As Integer
Dim Result As String
Parts = Split(Split(Value, ".")(0), "-")
For Part = LBound(Parts) To UBound(Parts)
Select Case Part
Case 0
Parts(Part) = Head & Parts(Part)
Case 1
Parts(Part) = Lead & Parts(Part)
Case 3, 4
Parts(Part) = Right(Lead & Parts(Part), 3)
End Select
Result = Join(Parts, "") & Tail
Make18 = Result
End Function
and your query becomes:
Make18([ParcelIdNumber]) AS ParcelNumber