
SSAS MDX Previous Year - Ignore Filter

i try to get actual turnover and the turnover of the previous year in the same period.

I write this query:

member [Measures].[Turnover PrevYear] as 
IIF( IsEmpty([Measures].[Turnover Actual] ), 
       (ParallelPeriod( [Date].[Year - Quarter - Month - Date].[Year],1,[Date].[Year - Quarter - Month - Date].CurrentMember))
       ,   [Measures].[Turnover Actual]
non empty{[Measures].[Turnover Actual],[Measures].[Turnover PrevYear]} 
on Columns,
non empty{[Store].[Store].[Store].members}
on Rows
from [Sales Cube]
where (
[Date].[Year - Quarter - Month - Date].[Month].&[2020]&[1], 
[Store Status].[Store Status Type].&[Comparable], 

Now i get the following result:

Store | Turnover Actual | Turnover PrevYear

Hamburg | 100.00 | 120.00

Munich | 140.00 | 130.00

Cologne | 90.00 | 110.00

Berlin | 150.00 | null

Berlin doesn't have a prevoius year value because the store had the status "Not Comparable" in january 2019. This "Store Status" Filter operate not only for the actual turnover also for the previous year calculation. How can i ignore this filter on the calculation? I wants to get a value for berlin from previous year no matter the store was "Not comparable" in the last year. This filter is only for the actual situation to kick the actual "Not comparable" Stores out of this result list.


  • You need to add "default member" to any calculation that you want to ignore the context. Your code will be

    member [Measures].[Turnover PrevYear] as 
    IIF( IsEmpty([Measures].[Turnover Actual] ), 
           ([Store Status].[Store Status Type].defaultmember, ParallelPeriod( [Date].[Year - Quarter - Month - Date].[Year],1,[Date].[Year - Quarter - Month - Date].CurrentMember))
           ,   [Measures].[Turnover Actual]
    non empty{[Measures].[Turnover Actual],[Measures].[Turnover PrevYear]} 
    on Columns,
    non empty{[Store].[Store].[Store].members}
    on Rows
    from [Sales Cube]
    where (
    [Date].[Year - Quarter - Month - Date].[Month].&[2020]&[1], 
    [Store Status].[Store Status Type].&[Comparable], 