I'm trying to use the revit api events on my iron python addins (using pyRevit to add the ribbon and pushbuttons) but I don't really understand what to do.
I found this piece of code but I couldn't make it work. For starters, I'd like to print "View activated" each time a view is activated
from System import EventHandler, Uri
from Autodesk.Revit.UI.Events import ViewActivatedEventArgs, ViewActivatingEventArgs
def event_handler_function(sender, args):
# do the even stuff here
# I'm using ViewActivating event here as example.
# The handler function will be executed every time a Revit view is activated:
__revit__.ViewActivating += EventHandler[ViewActivatingEventArgs](event_handler_function)
have you checked the latest documentation?
According to the wiki, you just need to create a .py/.cs file under a folder named hook and name the file as the event you want to use.