
Wix Util Extension ProductSearch Not Functioning Not working correctly

I'm currently using Wix 3.10 on windows 10.

I'm trying to find if the VC++ 2005 runtime x64 (v8.0.61000) is installed by product code. It's definitely showing in add-remove programs. The ProductCode definitely exists in the uninstall registry section and in Win32_Product. Get-Package in powershell shows it as well:

Get-Package | Where Name -Like "*2005*" | select -First 1 | fl

PropertyOfSoftwareIdentity : PropertyOfSoftwareIdentity
FastPackageReference       : {ad8a2fa1-06e7-4b0d-927d-6e54b3d31028}
ProviderName               : msi
Source                     :
Status                     : Installed
SearchKey                  :
FullPath                   :
PackageFilename            : ?
FromTrustedSource          : False
Summary                    :
SwidTags                   : {Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64)}
CanonicalId                : msi:Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64)/8.0.61000
Metadata                   : {ProductCode}
SwidTagText                : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>
                               name="Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64)"
                                 ProductCode="{ad8a2fa1-06e7-4b0d-927d-6e54b3d31028}" />
Dependencies               : {}
IsCorpus                   :
Name                       : Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64)
Version                    : 8.0.61000
VersionScheme              : multipartnumeric
TagVersion                 :
TagId                      : ad8a2fa1-06e7-4b0d-927d-6e54b3d31028
IsPatch                    :
IsSupplemental             :
AppliesToMedia             :
Meta                       : {{ProductCode}}
Links                      : {}
Entities                   : {}
Payload                    :
Evidence                   :
Culture                    :
Attributes                 : {name,version,versionScheme,tagId}

But when I create a launch condition, and use util:ProductSearch it returns blank, causing the condition to trigger and exit.

    <Property Id="LC_MSVCPP_8_0_X64_LATEST_REQUIRED" Value="LaunchCondition" />

    <util:ProductSearch Id="MSVC2005.v8.0.61000.x64" Variable="MSVCPP_8_0_61000_X64_DETECTED" ProductCode="{AD8A2FA1-06E7-4B0D-927D-6E54B3D31028}" Result="version" />

    <Condition Message="VC++ 2005 x64 runtime not found!">MSVCPP_8_0_61000_X64_DETECTED</Condition>

I've also tried a reboot.

I should note that is definitely searchable by upgradeCode. But then I have to do version comparison, and the real problem here is if there is a bug or not?

Any ideas?

Thanks so much!


  • util:ProductSearch works in bundles, not MSI packages, so it can't be used in a launch condition.